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Episode #083

We look back at our 16 questions for 2016 and see how things played out throughout the year.

2016 Recap:

  1. What Will Be the Story at the Annual Meeting in St. Louis?
  2. How Will the Supreme Court Rule on ACA Challenges?
  3. What Will Be the Outcome of Title IX Challenges by Baptist Colleges?
  4. Who Will Run for SBC President?
  5. Will There Be Any Entity Head Openings?
  6. Will the changes we saw in state conventions in 2015 continue?
  7. How do Southern Baptists respond to the issues involving Islam in the world?
  8. How Will Higher Education Continue to Change in Relation to the SBC and States?
  9. How Will Relocation and a Name Change Affect Golden Gate Seminary?
  10. What Role Will Southern Baptists Play in the US Presidential Election?
  11. What Influence Will Lecrae Have on Culture with His New Book and Album?
  12. How diverse will SBC leadership become in 2016?
  13. What role will the WMU play in the renewed discussions of missions in the church?
  14. What will we see from ERLC in 2016 in the face of continued cultural changes?
  15. Will we see increased giving in CP and LM/AA as a result of all the changes in state funding and IMB changes?
  16. What will be the result of the changes at IMB?
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